
OTSUKI Tsunehiro

Professor, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University

Research Topics

CEO ■Empirical analysis of land use and land property rights in the tropical rain forest area
■Analysis of factors contributing to the expension of regional agricultural commodity markets
■Empirical analysis of deforestation and growth of agiricultural exports in Brazil
■Develpment of productivity and technological progress indices that reflexts environmental aspects
■Quantification of the trade effect of trade Facilitation, technical barriers to trade (TBT), sanitary and phytosanitary standards (SPS)
■Empirical analysis of trade-related development aid
■Prospects for simplification and harmonization of trade regulations and
customs procedures in Asian countries
■Analysis of driving factors of environmental compliance of developing
country firms
■Reconsideration of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis


2001. 08
University of Maryland Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics  Completed, Ph.D.
1999. 05
University of Maryland Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics  Completed, MS.
1993. 03
Osaka University Faculty of Economics  Graduated, BA.
1992. 12 
Unviersity of California, Santa Barbara Faculty of Economics,  Exchange Student.

Employment Record

2013. 02 - Present
PROFESSOR, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University
2012. 05 - 2012. 08
CONSULTANT, Trade Division, Development Research Group,
The World Bank
2004. 11 - 2013. 01
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University
2000. 10 - 2004. 10  
RESEARCH ANALYST, International Trade Unit, Development,
Research Group, The World Bank
2000. 01 - 2000. 09
CONSULTANT, Trade Division, Development Research Group,
The World Bank

Academic Society Membership

 American Economic Association   
 ・Agricultural & Applied Economics Association   
 ・Japan Economic Association
 ・The Japan Society For International Development
 ・The East Asian Economic Association   
 ・Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies

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